Thoughtrek 💭🚶

I Love The GR

Back in 2017, I decided to get a camera. I had just come back from a trip armed only with an iPhone 4. The camera on that thing was mediocre at best. I wanted something better and a separate dedicated device, but not overly complicated. I didn’t need a full-blown camera system, nor did I want to mess around with changing lenses.

After a few more trips and a lot of thinking, I landed on the Ricoh GR—the first APS-C model from 2013. I already had a soft spot for the film GR1, so getting the digital version felt like a easy choice. The customization options were a bit overwhelming at first, but I quickly got the hang of it. Now, it's as fast as I need it to be.

The GR (the 2013 one!) has been my main and only camera ever since. I even stopped using the GR1 (the film one!), mainly because film prices have gotten ridiculous. Also, I lent it to a friend and never really felt the need to ask for it back.

I’m super happy with my GR. I get excited just thinking about it, even without using it. It’s simple, reliable, and does exactly what I need it to do. If it ever dies, I’d definitely hunt down the same model again. I’ve looked at the GR III, but none of its new features are screaming, “buy me!” It’s just not compelling enough to ditch the GR (2013!!!) for something newer and shinier.

I swear this is not an ad lol. I just like it that much. I also find it a little sad that it's getting more and more difficult to find one in decent condition. It's tiny. It's always ready and it turned out to be exactly what I needed.

Here's my GR1 the day I got it: GR1

I just realized I don't have a photo of my GR (2013!!!!!)🤷‍♀️